One of our much-loved businesses, ADMAC, will be leaving The Nucleus this month to pastures new.
We are sorry to see them leave after 13 years, and they will be a great loss to our centre but feel we must celebrate with James, Paul and John as they move to their very own property in Medway.
Here at The Nucleus, we are more than just office space and actively support the growth of our companies to allow them to graduate to new and bigger locations.
ADMAC’s Story
Admac was formed in 1989 by John Dwelly, working from converted garage offices at home.
ADMAC are specialists in supporting clients with consultancy and training services, with health & safety, environmental and quality management. In addition to management systems, compliance and certification, such as SSIP and ISO.
They moved to a shared office in Crayford in the early 2000’s and then ‘upgraded’ to The Nucleus in 2010 where they have developed and grown their client base and operational processes with an excellent team of people around them.
Over past few years, they have had the aspiration to purchase their own premises and, after much searching have purchased an office building that fits their requirements well at approximately 3 times the size they currently have.
ADMAC is relocating to Ashford House, Rochester after carrying out a complete refurbishment of their new space.
“Many thanks to the Nucleus and staff for providing a stable business base for over 13 years, where we have been able to trade, without worrying about many of the complications of running a building.
Onwards and upwards!”
Paul Dwelly – ADMAC, Managing Director.
We wish ADMAC every success for the future.